<h1>Coffee Contrails banner</h1>


Coffee Contrails consists of more than thirty talented individuals, who all share the desire to collaborate on creative projects to produce radio plays and audiobooks.

We appreciate the following sponsors for their contributions:

Coffee Contrails is a (tickled-pink) recipient of a 2014 Develop Grant from the Arts Council Santa Cruz County.

In the months to come, we will be pulling together a business / financial plan with a few goals: make the group self-sustainable, develop guidelines so people can contribute more easily, and create artistic jobs.

We will continue to pair up self-publishing authors with voice talent, musicians, and audio engineers to create stories, radio plays, audiobooks, & audio-comics.

Coffee Contrails is a means for emerging talent to get noticed, creatively collaborate with others, and share creations online.

Thank you, Arts Council Santa Cruz County, for being a proud supporter of Coffee Contrails. https://www.facebook.com/ArtsCouncilSantaCruzCounty

Listen today to our latest release, "The Rocket Molly Syndicate" written by John Taylor, read by Robin Dahlberg, audio by Ted Slominski, graphics by John Picha and introduction read by I. Noah Writer.

Subscribe on iTunes! Subscribe to Coffee Contrails on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/coffee-contrails/id672547706?mt=2

Copyright©2013 Flatcar6 Studios